Amaroo Aged Care Facility – Hot Water & Solar PV Upgrade
General Information
Site Address: Berrigan NSW 2712
Average Daily Electrical Load: 415.31 kWh
Facilities: 30 beds & 1 kitchen
Site Description
- Took the project from concept-design-engineering-commissioning
- Rolled out an integrated end to end service
Our Solution
- Installed a 60kW Solar PV system consisting of 206 x 290W monocrystalline modules and premium inverters
- Comprehensive solar monitoring system
- A mixture of tilt and flush mounting to maximise the cost effectiveness of the system and preserve aesthetics
Results: Solar PV

Estimated Annual Savings

CO2e Reduction (p.a)
63.8 Tons

4.4 Years

Electricity Consumption Reduction (p.a.)
14,319 kWh

Our Solution
- Identified a Solar PV and Solar Hot Water system to achieve our goals
- Took the project from concept-design-engineering-commissioning
Results: Solar Hot Water

Estimated Annual Savings

CO2e Reduction (p.a)
38.16 Tons

6.5 Years

Electricity Consumption Reduction (p.a.)
162,742 kWh