Karras Smash Repairs – 11.9kW Rooftop PV
General Information
Site Address: 38 Liverpool Road, Ingleburn NSW 2565
Type: Panel Beating and Mechanical Workshop
Daily Energy Usage: 150.58 kWh
Site Information
- Karras Prestige Smash Repairs is a leading family owned panel beating business, with a 700m2 workshop with multiple workstations, hydraulic lifts, industrial lighting, and HVAC.
- Their constant air compressor load is critical to maintain instantaneous pneumatic tool availability, and to meet Australian standards for ventilation of the paint room.
Our Solution
- Installed a 11.9 kW Solar PV System, consisting of 36 x 330W multicrystalline modules.
- Reduced daily electrical load by 30%
- Carefully sized PV System supplies the workshop’s daytime HVAC and compressor loads while minimising export to the gird, ensuring maximum financial benefit.

Estimated Annual Savings

CO2e Reduction (p.a)
13.6 Tons

3.7 Years

Electricity Consumption Reduction (p.a.)
16,199 kWh